Monday, March 14, 2016

ABOUT FACE!!! Can I live on less for my food, ie, practice what you preach!

Since I started this blog I have been writing about ongoing concerns I have about eating, living on a budget and the overall message in the context of a healthy lifestyle. Recently a friend of mine informed me he lives on $250 a month total!!!! Let's see, do I really believe that? I have watched the whole deal closely and it is true. So, I wondered about that. I couldn't do it. I have to pay rent, he does not. I work and have to look presentable, not an issue. But is there a way to do that? I have divided my costs into two categories: impulse and need. Ok, no discussion here, I think everyone would believe that. The need gets a little dicey when there are things I have to pay for: housing, heat, electricity, gas (car and home, need gas for work) and phone. Also for work I have 2 trips already paid for and the rest should be covered by my work, incidentals about $200 a year (plane changes on my own, tips, etc.) Those are all the fixed costs.
The variable ones: clothing, cleaning supplies, food, entertainment and hobbies.
For the last one, I am a writer, if I do everything on my computer, I don't need paper, the occasional printed copy for submission. A ream of paper is about $3.00. Black ink that lasts a month about $20.00. Copies of proofs usually cost me about $100 a year.Total about $250 a year.
I also hike and have all of my hiking equipment. In principle, I do not like to buy bottled water, but the containers are so light, I spend about $12 a year on that, only buy it on sale. Gas to and from hiking locations is usually $20 to $40, maybe a month. Total about $250 a year.
For entertainment, I go out of a movie matinee, only when I can do that with friends about once a month, $10. I have been eating very rich food for about 3 months from the Blue Apron and am over the butter, the meat, that type of prep for a 3 course meal. From now on I will do that only when I have guests. That will add $60 a month, and count for entertainment.
Cleaning supplies: I make my own dishwasher soap, and laundry soap, costs about $20 a year, and am working on hair and dish soap and conditioner from scratch. Goal is to get to $100 a year for personal items including toothpaste.
Clothing: I have enough for a lifetime and could go a year without buying another thread, so that is my goal for now until March 1, 2017.
Now the food thing, I have been reading about living on a $1 a day, or $30 a month, and am seriously considering that option.
Eating cheaply: this plan is for $3 a day, so I could shop and spend $15 a week. I actually have everything but the broccoli, sweet potato and sunflower seeds.

I settled on the following daily quantities of each of the foods listed, with prices listed:
1.     3 cups cooked brown rice ($0.53)
2.     2 cups cooked pinto beans ($0.23)
3.     2 stalks cooked broccoli (360g) ($1.06)
4.     1 baked sweet potato (180g) ($0.40)
5.     1 tablespoon olive oil ($0.18)
6.     1/2 cup sunflower seeds, shelled ($0.22)
7.     2 cups nonfat milk ($0.37)
The total cost per day is $2.99.

This diet supplies 2090 calories and all essential vitamins and minerals (with the exception of B12; see the discussion above). Fiber is high. Saturated fat and cholesterol are very low. 23% of calories come from fat, 15% from protein, and the rest from carbohydrates.

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